Thursday, July 15, 2021

Book titles...

I was commiserating with a colleague of mine about work stuff a while back.  You know - the usual complaints followers have about leaders and the HQ staff: 

Corporate Staff: 

Known in some quarters as Sea Gulls for reasons relating to their propensity to fly round the country leaving their mark wherever they have alighted. 

Norman R. Augustine 

During our chit-chat she said we could write a book and that led to an impromptu, humorous bit of brainstorming on book titles about bad leadership.  I offered, "You can't make this shit up" as a title idea.  That was what a friend and former colleague of mine, Jim Robertson, used to say when faced with maddening, corporate bureaucracy: 

I don’t know why anyone would shell out lots of money for a computer game when you can have more fun and a greater challenge playing CSCP - Circumvent the Stupid Corporate Policy. 

Dan Danborn 

She countered with, "I wasn't going to drink today but", and our little game was on!  I came back with this little ditty from my friend Robin Nicholson when her company was acquired back in the day, "Same circus, different clowns". 

Why were we going through this banter, you might ask?  Well, other than sharing a little comic relief I got nothin'.  Here’s a couple more from the Corporate Staff’s steering committee, "We're lost, but we're making good time"; and from the front-line workers, "MBA's; seldom right; never in doubt". 

Now to be fair, we all know that leading a company is extremely challenging.  I mean for one thing leaders have to deal with employees like me and my colleague who can sour on company B.S. which leads to a loss of trust for our cause.  (Side note:  My colleague at the time of this exchange is now my former colleague – deciding to leave and join a new circus.  Me?  I chose to stay to try to make a difference.  But I digress…) 

Leaders always have the opportunity to gain (or re-gain) our trust.  I’d rather rise every morning charged up to go to work!  Wouldn’t you?  I’d prefer to trust that my contributions make a difference.  Trust – definitely a force multiplier:

There is one thing that is common to every individual, relationship, team, family, organization, nation, economy, and civilization throughout the world - one thing which, if removed, will destroy the most powerful government, the most successful business, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership, the greatest friendship, the strongest character, the deepest love. 

On the other hand, if developed and leveraged, that one thing has the potential to create unparalleled success and prosperity in every dimension of life...  That one thing is trust. 

Stephen M.R. Covey 

That’s the good news for leaders (and their staff).  Many, many followers really do want to follow; really want to be engaged; really are ready to excel.  We just need a little… well… trust: 

Surround yourself with people of integrity, and get out of their way.  The right people will feel far more pressure to perform well when they are trusted. 

          Jim Anderson 

And there are plenty of book titles to help leaders lead.  Even leading people like me LOL!  Because I know there are also many book titles directed at my profession - the sales profession - one goes like this, "The salesman promised you WHAT??!!" 

After all, "turnabout is fair play" for leaders.  (Oh, and that book title? It’s already taken.) 


When life gets tough we could get a helmet… or… we could leverage the peace and share the power of a positive perspective.

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