Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Training types…

I thought I would share this thought leadership I came across some time back.  It applies beyond sales, don’t you think?  

Citing the Selling Brew Playbook

What is missing from your sales training program? 

We ask because in our experience nearly every B2B firm neglects at least one of the four basic types of sales training… 

…It might be due, in part, to the personality and experience of the person in charge. For example, some very extroverted sales managers see themselves as the “coach” of the team. In their minds, sales training is synonymous with a pre-game pep talk. So they tend to focus on motivational training. 

Other sales managers see themselves more as teachers. They might spend most of their time on the basics, essentially getting the team functionally literate in the sales profession. 

But we suspect that the real reason why organizations don’t use all the different types of sales training is that managers simply aren’t aware that the different types exist. Sales team leaders usually attempt to replicate the type of training that they had in the early stages of their own careers. As a result, managers with an incomplete training background pass along that incomplete training to their team members, and the cycle continues endlessly. 

But you can break that cycle by learning more about the different types of sales training and making sure that they are all part of your team development strategy… 

Basic Sales Skills: Anyone who is new to the sales profession is going to need to spend some time mastering the fundamentals. For example, new hires should understand how to listen actively, ask qualifying questions, prevent and/or handle objections, give an effective presentation, follow up with prospects, send an email, talk on the phone, negotiate, give a demonstration of your products, and use your CRM software… 

Vendor Differentiation: This type of training focuses on why customers should buy from you instead of from someone else… Companies need to cover vendor differentiation in the onboarding process and revisit the topic often, especially any time they change their sales strategy, roll out new products or services, or when the market has changed significantly because of a new competitor or other change. 

Demand Creation: …This type of training helps your sales team understand how to influence and facilitate organizational change. This is a complicated and difficult task, so your sales training should probably revisit this topic fairly regularly,… 

Personal Motivation: These are the pep-talk speeches that get sales reps fired up to go out and sell… In the same way that you want sales prospects to make an emotional connection to your product, you need to engage your sales team’s hearts as well as their minds. So go ahead and have a feel-good session that makes every cheer — just don’t forget to do the other kinds of training as well. 

As for the fourth type about motivation, I wonder what other companies are doing in today’s virtual setting in this area.  I worry companies think it’s no longer important.  What about you?  Do you like a “pep talk” from time-to-time?  Zig and I do: 

People often say that motivation doesn’t last.  Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. 

Zig Ziglar 

Of the four types, differentiation is the training I put the most importance on.  Prospects usually ask, “Why should I do business with you?”  I know blog readers do too.  I hope my differentiation is solid. 


When life gets tough we could get a helmet… or… we could leverage the peace and share the power of a positive perspective.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Power of Magic…

I wrote a little ditty earlier this month about how to write an Annual Achievement Plan.  Within that I articulated my views on the Principle of Balance.  And within balancing the quadrants, I mentioned the presence of magic (link).  Magic; fantasies; miracles; God’s blessings… they have all been present throughout my life.  I am definitely aligned with Finagle: 

Finagle's Sixth Rule 

Do not believe in miracles - rely on them.

Unknown Sage 

As we look forward to 2022, what a great opportunity to pursue our life’s dreams and fantasies, don’t you agree?  The nice thing about dreams and fantasies is if we aren’t lucky enough to realize them this year we can still look forward to the future when miraculously we may.  For me, God has always been on my side.  Regardless of your beliefs, other great people in history have already paved the way for us to follow: 

Walt Disney's First Rule: 

If you can dream it, you can do it. 

Walt Disney    

It could be that we are too caught up in day-to-day pressures; our daily routines; modern society’s trials and tribulations of just making it through the day; that we don’t stop and take a moment to allow the power of magic to enter our consciousness.  It’s there however, whether we pause to wonder about life’s wonders or not. 

Take something as (seemingly) simple and mundane as travel.  Travel has involved magic for centuries.  Travel to the pilgrims and pioneers of generations past involved risking their very lives in pursuit of their dreams.  When I look back today on how the pilgrims crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a wooden sailing ship, they must have been in-tune with a magical presence.  The pioneers packed everything they owned along with their family into a covered wagon and headed west with no knowledge of what lies ahead.  Magical! 

Today it seems that driverless car technology is all the rage.  Car company advertisements showing a variety of self-driving settings pop up throughout our day – unavoidable.  Truthfully, the way I observe the driving of my fellow citizens we can’t turn the highways over to the computers fast enough, HaHa! 

There is another common travel option my generation takes for granted that if we paused to really think about it has always been magical.  We worry about what boarding group we’re assigned to; what seat we’ll get; and whether there will be room in the overhead bin.  The pilgrims and pioneers would be awed by the magic:

And just when we think all miracles of air travel have been uncovered, along comes “space tourism”!  A fantasy for us today, according to an article in the Daily Travel News ©: 

Ultimately, by the 2030s the price level for a trip to space is likely to fall to about the same as that of a business class trans-Atlantic ticket today. 

Reminds me of Matthias Schmelz’s words: 

Your dream is not big enough if it doesn’t scare you.   

I know the pioneers of space tourism are mega billionaires.  Nonetheless, they are fearless and are definitely following Walk Disney’s advice, true?  How about me and you?  How daring are we willing to be?  Dreaming is one thing; but the pursuit is up to us: 

Everyone dreams. Some people are just more active participants. 

Unknown Sage     

The world awaits.  What dreams and fantasies will you and I pursue in 2022?  It’s OK…  remember, magic – and God - surround us all. 


When life gets tough we could get a helmet… or… we could leverage the peace and share the power of a positive perspective.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Six Little Stories…

Faith, trust, hope, confidence, love, attitude.  Which of these descriptions will apply to your day today?  All of them?  Any of them?  Maybe you would say it depends on whether I’m having one of those days.  An interesting premise:  Do we control the day or does the day control us? 

“How’s your day?” is a common conversation starter among family, friends, and colleagues.  “I’m having a good day” or, “I’m having a bad day” are common responses.  Of course it is easy for others to say, “control your day”; even easier for me to blog about it. 

Talking about it; blogging about it, is one thing.  Actually living each day in a way that we control our outlook and our mindset no matter what we face during the day – well, that’s something altogether different, true?  Nonetheless, there is great power in the idea of maintaining our inner power.  In the business world, it’s referred to as emotional intelligence.  Around family and friends it can be as simple as being in a good mood.  Again, easy to talk/blog about it. 

It's not our circumstances that steal our joy; it's our attitude during our circumstances.

Speaking of circumstances, I saw this post on Facebook.  These six little stories reminded me that my inner power is there to be called on throughout the day.  There wasn’t an accreditation and I couldn’t find the author via Google so let’s attribute it to our favorite, Unknown Sage: 

Six Little Stories with Lots of Meanings 

1. Once all villagers decided to pray for rain.  On the day of prayer, all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. 

That is faith.

2. When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know you will catch them. 

That is trust.

3. Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set alarms, 

That is hope.

4. We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. 

That is confidence.

5. We see the world suffering, but still, we get married and have children. 

That is love.

6. An old man’s shirt was written with sentence “I am not 80 years old; I am sweet 16 with 64 years of experience.” 

That is attitude.

Have a happy day and live your life like these six stories.  Remember – Good friends are the rare jewels of life, difficult to find and impossible to replace! 

Six little stories that are powerful!  

When I think of inner power, the word peace comes to my mind as well.  The first person I heard combine these words in a formal message was Doug Burgum, former CEO of Great Plains a software company headquartered in Fargo, North Dakota.  I was there twenty two years ago; January of 2000.  I heard Doug speak to an audience of international resellers.  Just being in Fargo in January was testament to the attendees’ determination.  It was worth the trip for me when I heard Doug say: 

There is both peace and power in knowing and understanding who you are, where you're from and where you're going.  

I like being reminded of who I am and where I’m from.  As to where I’m going?  Well, the six little stories remind me whatever the destination, it will be good.  I hope these six little stories encourage you too when you’re having one of those days


When life gets tough we could get a helmet… or… we could leverage the peace and share the power of a positive perspective.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Planning 2022?

I reviewed my 2021 Annual Achievement Plan over the holidays.  Thinking Covid had disrupted every aspect of my life I was pleasantly surprised to see all I had accomplished last year.  Perked me up a bit for 2022.      

Too disillusioned for planning you say?  Our Unknown Sage understands: 

In the beginning there was the Plan

And then came the Assumptions…

And the Assumptions were without form…

And the Plan was without Substance...

And Darkness was upon the face of the Workers…

And the Workers spoke among themselves saying, “It is a crock of sh&! and it stinks.” 

And the Workers went unto their Supervisors and said, “It is a crock of dung and we cannot live with the smell.” 

And the Supervisors went unto their Managers saying, “It is a container of organic waste, and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it.” 

And the Managers went unto their Directors, saying, “It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide its strength.” 

And the Directors spoke among themselves, saying to one another, “It contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong.” 

And the Directors went to the Vice Presidents, saying unto them, “It promotes growth, and it is very powerful.” 

And the Vice Presidents went to the President, saying unto him, “It has very powerful effects.” 

And the President looked upon the Plan and saw that it was good. 

And the Plan became Policy… 

And that is how sh&! happens. 

Too busy for goal-setting perhaps?  Geoffrey Albery suggests: 

The first and most important thing about goals is having one.  

When writing goals I believe it’s wise to leverage the “Principle of Balance”:

I remember while leading top sales teams, I would occasionally hear one of my Producers say that being family-oriented was more important than sales/financial success.  OK… but I believe one of the best ways to care for our families is to be successful. 

The Principle of Balance reinforces the importance of writing, family goals.  Go ahead – take a moment to write down your 2022 family goals; we’ll wait. 

The importance of the Personal Development is another key to achievement.  As the business book title suggests, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There ©.  

That leads us to the quite personal quadrant of Fulfillment.  Our Unknown Sage puts it this way: 

Life is measured by the number of moments that take our breath away. 

Yes, I advocate writing an Annual Achievement Plan; with measurable goals; tracking milestones; striving to make each year my best year yet...  I also believe in the power of imagination; the presence of magic; and the blessings God bestows.  

Go ahead - add your list of fantasies to your 2022 Plan.  And “DREAM BIG!” James Collins in Built to Last © called them: 

Big, Hairy Audacious Goals! 

In our life, dreams and fantasies should be big, hairy, and audacious; always “taking our breath away”.  After all: 

Who wants a dream that’s near-fetched?  

Howard Schultz 

When we realize the fulfillment of one of our fantasies, don’t cross it off the list.  Keep it as a constant reminder of the power and awe of living our life to the fullest! 

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, Holy sh@#, what a ride! 

Unknown Sage 

So here’s to 2022 – may it be our most fulfilling year yet! 


When life gets tough we could get a helmet… or… we could leverage the peace and share the power of a positive perspective.