Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Bold? Courageous? Or…

It’s 2022 year-end.  Time to reflect?  Time to plan and prepare for 2023?  Time to quit and change jobs? 

I continue to read about people quitting their jobs in search of “better”.  Are those in that movement bold?  Courageous?  Self-confident?  “Betting on themselves”?  Or not.  I’m permanently out of the game, having retired in 2022.  So now I’m just an observer; a sideline commentator. 

I’ve noticed many of my former colleagues at my last company have changed companies; several times actually, all just in the past couple of years even before I retired. Would you call that courage?  Would you assume they are seeking “better”?  Shall we assume because they keep quitting they’re still seeking? 

“Stay and make a difference” was the advice I offered for those who asked my opinion.  Having sought “better” many times over, I successfully tried that myself for the last twelve years of my career.  It was tempting to quit, but I decided for once not to.  I decided my friend Robyn Nicholson was right in her assessment of continuously changing jobs: 

            Same circus; different clowns. 

I know there is risk in staying at your current company and trying to “make a difference”.  Truth is, there is danger in any direction we select for 2023: 

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  The fearful are caught as often as the bold. 

Helen Keller 

Truly, I held various jobs for several companies throughout my career.  I too changed to something “better” many times.  Mostly “greener pastures”; occasionally “browner”.  Was I being bold? Courageous?  Or not. 

Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow." 

Mary Anne Radmacher

I learned about the importance of “trying again tomorrow” from a friend and former colleague of mine, Gary Givan.  His advice was to focus on each day; making the day a good day; taking things one day at a time.  Gary would say when you string together as many good days as possible the rest of the year will take care of itself.  Gary’s wasn’t a bold, risk-taking approach.  More of a quiet, disciplined, yet courageous mind set. 

I was willing to take risks, that’s for sure.  But perhaps taking risks was the easy way out.  Rather than facing up to each day’s challenges; striving to get better; figuring out a way to conquer; is it easier to just quit in the name of finding something “better”?  Staying with our current job takes courage, too: 

Courage is a special kind of knowledge; the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how to not fear what ought not to be feared. 

David Ben-Gurian 

Should our current situation be feared?  Are we afraid we might miss out if we don’t leave at the end of 2022 in pursuit of our next adventure in 2023?  Well, only each of us would know what is best for our individual situation, but the odds are we should not fear staying vs. quitting.  In reality, either option will require steadfast, daily commitment to succeed. 

So here’s to your success in 2023!  Be bold! Be courageous! Be fearless no matter who winds up signing your paycheck.  Take each day, one day at a time, and focus on getting better today.  May the wind of your effort fill your sails, speeding you towards “better” in 2023 and beyond. 


When life gets tough we could get a helmet… or… we could leverage the peace and share the power of a positive perspective.

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