Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Ever have one of “THOSE DAYS!” when Baker dominates?  Me too: 

Baker's Law 

Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it. 

              Unknown Sage 

To deal with it I re-read the Preface of  The Peace and Power of a Positive Perspective © and felt better – just like promise on the back cover says: 

I thought I’d share a few excerpts with you today: 

Preface:  Why We Need Peace & Power in our Day 

… My day?  It started with a missed wake-up call.  I only had a few minutes to glance at the newspaper this morning.  Bold headlines: “Market Down!”; “Unemployment Up!”; “Cost of Living Highest in a Decade”; “Today: Mostly Cloudy”; and “Cubs Lose Again”.  Certainly nothing I wanted to read about any further.  Besides, I’m already running late for an “emergency meeting” with my boss.  About what – I’m not quite sure. 

I just spilled my McDonald’s coffee in my lap as I pulled out of the drive-through.  Not only will my stained dress pants look bad in front of my boss, but I don’t think my private parts are burned enough to win a multi-million dollar law suit.  (There’s never a little old lady around when you need one.)  My wife just called, “The kids are sick.” 

A little music might be soothing (and lower my blood pressure).  But no – the only thing on the radio is commercials; commercials on all eighteen FM stations and all twelve AM stations.  What?  Are the broadcasters in collusion to run their commercials at the same time?  No station-hopping to find music?  How do they do that?  And, I accidentally left my iPod at home. 

The car ahead of me has just been crawling for the past five miles.  Finally, there’s enough of a break in this heavy traffic where I can pass.  Uh oh; the next sign I see is “Slow Down: Road Construction Ahead”.  I’m pretty sure I just broke a crown grinding my teeth! 

So - How’s your day? 

… Is there any doubt that we could all use a little help in finding that inner peace and personal, self-confident power to carry us through our daily routine?  After all, a positive attitude is priceless, yes? 

I’ve been blessed to have been around rare combinations of peace and power almost my entire life.  From my childhood, to participating in sports; the business world; from my family, friends and acquaintances; I have observed and been impacted by great feats from famous, as well as everyday, people. 

… In my lifetime I have seen the devastation of the Vietnam War; the power of how the personal computer has changed our way of life; the end of apartheid; and the vivid symbol of peace when the Berlin Wall was torn down. In the 1980’s I lived in Chicago during the glory years of “da Bears” and their Super Bowl victory in 1985, and the dynasty of Michael Jordan and “da Bulls”. I’ve watched the passing of the moniker “Best Golfer of All Time” from Arnold Palmer to Jack Nicklaus to Tiger Woods. 

… So, let me wrap up by paraphrasing the late, great Pro Football player, Johnny Unitas (whom I quote again later in the book); and couple his profound statement with a few words of my own: 

Live today, and every day, to the fullest; with awe and enthusiasm; because when you die, you’re dead for a long, long time. 

                              Life – R U In? 


When life gets tough we could get a helmet… or… we could leverage the peace and share the power of a positive perspective.

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